Bind9 LDAP SDB Change Log bind9-ldap 1.1.1 TO BE ANNOUNCED Bug fixes - Fix zone2ldap.c:main() to work with later Bind9. - Update paths in the Makefile (reflect the fact that the LDAP sdb is in 'contrib/sdb/ldap' and not 'contrib/sdb'). - Fix object class generation (newer OpenLDAP is very picky about this) in zone2ldap. Additions/Misc changes - Include zone2ldap command - Include zone2ldif command - Include ldap2zone command - Try connecting three times (with five seconds sleep() between each attempt) to the LDAP server before failing. - More verbose error if failing to connect/bind to the LDAP server (using the ldap_perror() function). - First param to contrib/sdb/ldap/ldapdb.c:ldapdb_bind() is now the zone name. Used only in debug output (makes it easier to figure out which zone that it wasn't possible to bind for). - Add some debugging to easier see connects/binds etc. + Change existing debugging to use ISC_LOG_DEBUG(2) instead of 1... + Include LDAP URI in output of failed ldap_initialize(). - Add SASL support to zone2ldap and ldap2zone (if compiled with the -DSECUREBIND_SASL flag). + Update Makefile and zone2ldap man page with additional options. - Add offline support to zone2ldap so that we don't need to link with LDAP libs etc. Accomplished by using the -DOFFLINE flag and the -L flag to binary. - Added StartTLS (-ZZ flag) and LDAP URI support (-L flag) to zone2ldap. - Added the possibility to add OpenLDAPaci attribute(s) to objects created by zone2ldap.